Invite your Team
Invite Your Team, is a feature that automates employee registration for your business and can be found in your admin menu.

It enables you to quickly add all your employees, automates account communications and easily remove leavers, getting them set up with their benefits as quickly as possible.
Instead of asking your employees to register for an account, you have the option to upload a file that contains their basic details. This will automatically create an Extras account for them. You can download a template from the Invite your Team screen that includes all the necessary details for the file upload. The file should be in .csv format and under 2mb. Simply enter your employee’s details into the template and click on ‘Upload List’ to start the process.
Once the file has successfully uploaded (this is not an immediate process and is dependant on the number of users being uploaded), you will be able to view a list of all entries. You can then split those users between successful and unsuccessful and take the step to resolve any issues in the file before uploading again.
The successful entries will then receive an email instructing them to activate their account. We will send a series of reminder emails until the account has been activated.
In the event of any company leavers, you can close their accounts by simply uploading the same template and including the “termination date” i.e., the date they left or will leave employment. If the date is in the future, we will close the account when that date is reached.