Employer: What do the Cyclescheme statuses mean?

Cyclescheme operates on the Myschemes platform. Administrators are able to check on the current status of each Certificate request and understanding the various statuses can help ensure effective scheme management. As long as you know what each status means...

Requested: Date the Certificate is requested online by the employee

Declined: Date the Certificate is declined by the employer

Cancelled: Date the Certificate is cancelled

HA sent: Date the Hire Agreement is sent electronically to the participant

HA received: Date the Hire Agreement has been completed by the participant

Ordered: Date the administrator has approved the request

Invoiced: Date the invoice is sent by Cyclescheme via email

Issued: Date the certificate is sent from Cyclescheme to the participant

Redeemed: Date the Partner Store has redeemed the Certificate

Funds received: The date Cyclescheme receive payment from the employer

Remittance created: Date the remittance for the Partner Store is created

Paid: Date the Partner Store has been paid by Cyclescheme

Processing: Date the Certificate is redeemed online with a Partner Store

MV due: Date the participants' End of Hire options are due

MV SA sent: Date the participants End of Hire options are sent

MV reminder sent: Date a reminder End of Hire email is sent

MV final demand sent: Date a final reminder End of Hire email is sent

MV SA signed: Date participant signed and agreed to take ownership of their equipment

MV EUA signed: Date participant signed and agreed to take ownership at a later date

MV paid: Date participant paid the market value of their equipment

Bike returned: Date participant decided to return their equipment to Cyclescheme

EUA deposit paid: Date participant paid their deposit to take ownership of their equipment at a later date

EUA completion due: Date participants extended ownership is due to finish

Archived: Date the certificate data is obfuscated due to its completion or the fact it was declined or cancelled.

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